Kalmus Psychological Services is led by Dr Ellis Kalmus (Clinical Psychologist & Consultant Psychologist). He has practiced independently & in the NHS since 2003. |
Personal Statement- Dr Ellis Kalmus
I have been working in the field of applied psychology since 1996 and qualified as a Clinical Psychologist in 2003. I have a solid expertise in the formulation of therapeutic pathways, alongside a broad provision of individual/group therapy and consultancy to care providers both in and outside of the National Health Service. My clinical experience comprises Psychological Trauma & Pain treatment, pre-surgical Weight Management, Family/Child services and Forensic Learning Disabilities. I have repeatedly given evidence as an expert witness within the Family Courts, provided psychological reports for Personal Injury claims in Civil Proceedings; published papers in peer-reviewed (APA) journals, and delivered presentations to both international conferences and training groups. My clinical work is heavily influenced by Motivational Interviewing techniques (Rollnick & Miller) and the Good Lives Model (Ward et al), which reflects my undertaking to facilitate attainable and meaningful change in clients. Therapeutically, I use Cognitive/REBT, Behavioural, EMDR, Brainspotting and Systemic approaches. My career has largely been based around Birmingham and the Midlands. I relocated with my family to Devon in 2014. A CV can be downloaded from here. Clinics are held at the following venue. |